happyself [webspeezasl-th/kh]

digi's happyself is a self checkout register that combines semi-self checkout, full-self checkout, and self-payment functionality in one versatile unit.  happyself transforms into a semi-self or full-self checkout station to help store owners cope with personnel shortages or to speed up the checkout process. it can also help increase time efficiency and effective use of checkout floor space.

digi shop&go

消费者在购物时使用智能手机扫描商品,然后在自助付款站付款只需要30秒! shop & go创造了一种全新的购物体验,极大地减轻了消费者的主要压力来源——排队结账。




digi's super-fast qcashiersl-j self-payment cashier station has been fully renewed with an ultra-compact design -- its 340 mm width is the sleekest in the industry, allowing a minimal installation footprint. operability has also been greatly enhanced by locating the change dispenser 75 mm higher than on conventional machines, so customers no longer need to bend down to get their change.
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