
semi-self checkout, full-self checkout, and self-payment functionality in one versatile unit. multi-mode self checkout with enhanced flexibility.

digi's happyself multi-mode self-checkout register continues to evolve, and now features a new easy-to-read, easy-to-use vertical lcd screen. a variety of installation variations have been created to meet diverse store requirements. 
self-checkout requires minimal staff without the need for direct interaction with shoppers and cashless payment means there is no handling of cash. so, this can contribute to preventing the spread of coronavirus infection by reducing crowding and contamination by touch. another plus of the system is that it gives you the flexibility of easily changing between semi-self-checkout and full-self-checkout operation after the pandemic has subsided. 

vertical lcd screen for intuitive operation

shoppers perform operations on a vertical lcd screen (15.6 inches), a form factor most will find familiar from using their smartphones. this makes operation both easy and intuitive.

three modes of operation in one self-checkout register

happyself combines three pos register operating modes into one versatile unit. the unit can be easily transformed to efficiently accommodate the checkout requirements of the situation. transforming the operating mode is as easy as pressing the "change mode" button.

mode1) semi-self checkout
the store clerk scans the purchase items, and then the customer completes the payment on their own.
mode 2) full-self checkout
the customer performs all the checkout tasks on their own, from scanning the purchase items to making the payment.
mode 3) self-payment
purchase data are sent to happyself from another pos register, and the shopper completes the payment as they would with full-self checkout.

so, how does it actually work? see happyself in action in this easy-to-follow video using a supermarket and a specialty store as examples.

a wealth of installation variations, including cashless payment

the hardware configuration can be easily customized to suit a store's requirements, including a space-saving, fully cashless model that eliminates the automatic change dispenser. options can be replaced according to operational requirements, even after installation and start of operation.
the fully cashless models, which include a wall-mounted version (a digi first) and a twin version that is installed in the space behind a conventional cash register, are helping to meet the growing demand for cashless capability as a contactless payment method.

select the best mode for the situation -- for high shopper traffic or for strategic staff allocation

select the best mode for optimizing store operation according to the situation, whether it's handling high shopper traffic periods or the need for strategic allocation of staff when short-handed.

1) use semi-self checkout during peak hours or high shopper traffic periods to speed up payment. 
2) use full-self checkout during off-peak hours or when short-handed.  
3) speed up payments even more by adding self-payment stations and transferring purchase data to them from other pos registers.

helps solve many issues facing store owners, including staff shortages

happyself is designed to help solve a variety of issues faced by store owners: 
  • self checkout functionality allows stores to handle high shopper traffic periods with a small number of checkout staff, helping to resolve staff shortages.
  • self-payment relieves part-time workers from the stress of having to handle cash.
  • operation is simple and intuitive, so even first-time users can get up to speed quickly. this helps to significantly shorten training time.
  • self-payment prevents cashier errors, such as miscalculations and incorrect change.

convenient cashless payment that connects with the pos system

when used in conjunction with digi's payoss cashless payment service, the payment terminal can be linked to the pos system, combining a safe and hygienic method of payment with speedy and accurate accounting. it also facilitates extensive loss prevention and point card support, and helps reduce related office work. 


工作时间: 08:45~17:15 (周一 ~ 周五)
