teraoka/digi company creation

at teraoka/digi, we will continue to build a responsible and reliable company that is needed by users, employees, and society. three themes that represent this activity are (1) decent work, (2) global partnership, and (3) employee action. it is no exaggeration to say that the strength of a corporation is in the strength of its employees. teraoka/digi’s company creation is put into practice by its employees, who are its core strength.

global partnership

teraoka/digi began its global expansion with overseas exports that started in 1971. in the latter half of the 1980s, manufacturing bases were successively established in singapore, china, and the united kingdom. by establishing partnerships around the world, teraoka/digi’s current global presence has expanded to 23 group companies and sales and service networks in 146 countries across the globe.
at teraoka/digi, we provide high-quality products and services and optimized solutions to customers around the world, taking into consideration the circumstances of each country and region we serve.

global partnership
partnerships for the goals

employee action

“my own bottle” campaign

teraoka/digi employees make environmental awareness an integral part of their daily work. for example, to promote the use of “my own bottle” (using your own water bottle, tumbler, cup, etc. for beverages), which contributes to our zero waste initiative, we installed our ecoa-office pure water vending machine in the employee cafeteria at our head office. so, employees can get a refill of hot or cold water anytime they like.

“my own bottle” campaign
sustainable cities and communities responsible consumption and production climate action life below water partnerships for the goals

pet plastic bottle recycling

a bottle squash volume-reducing pet plastic bottle reverse vending machine is installed in the employee cafeteria at the teraoka/digi head office. as a result, collection and recycling of pet plastic bottles has established itself as one of the many recycling activities that teraoka/digi employees are regularly taking part in.

pet plastic bottle recycling
sustainable cities and communities responsible consumption and production climate action life below water partnerships for the goals

rewarding work

enabling challenge-taking with employee training

rewarding work is work worth doing, where employee rights are secured, adequate income is generated, and the work contributes to society. we also believe that each person's job satisfaction is enhanced by doing creative work.
teraoka/digi, a company that creates new standards, is actually a collection of individuals who create new standards. approximately 3,800 employees are taking on the challenge of creating new standards through their daily work, receiving training in step with their performance, and enjoying benefits that are available to every employee, regardless of their status in the company.
enabling this challenge-taking are employee training programs that include (1) new employee training, (2) follow-up training, (3) leadership training, (4) overseas training programs, (5) distance learning courses, and (6) bbt (business breakthrough university)@mba basic business courses, together with various associated benefit programs.

enabling challenge-taking with employee training
decent work and economic growth

in-house preschool facility

teraoka/digi has set up an in-house preschool facility for employees called teraoka nursery school; it accepts children from 0 to 5 years old and is located in the teraoka seiko head office building.
the preschool provides a safe and secure childcare environment for supporting employees that are working and raising young children. it offers a rich educational program with instruction in eurhythmics, english conversation, and swimming lessons, as well as full-featured childcare support that includes a web-based parent-teacher contact page that can be accessed from smartphones and pcs.

in-house preschool facility
decent work and economic growth

promotion of telework

teraoka/digi is promoting telework as a way of creating a comfortable working environment and boosting motivation for doing business. whether working from home, working in the office, or going on business trips, these are just different styles of doing one’s work. using ict (information and communication technology), which is teraoka/digi’s strong suit, we have realized a work system that is not tied to a particular location. and this is encouraging an increasing number of employees to choose a working style that lets them strive for excellence and best demonstrate their ability to deliver results that exceed expectations.

promotion of telework
decent work and economic growth